Our services information systems security audits cover areas as diverse as processes, business applications and the protection of information assets. Our professionals can assist you in mastering and managing IT risksand securing your information system. They can also support accounting, financial and administrative audits.
For the success of your projects
We assure for you:
La conduite d’appel d’offres ;
L’étude d’opportunités ;
La mise en normes ;
Le schéma directeur ;
L’ assistance à la maîtrise d’ouvrage ;
Les tests et campagnes de validation.
For the guarantee of a reliable solution
We go with you for:
Identify all IT teams to anticipate their protection needs
Know the threats and and control the level of risk
Control all access points
Manage events and respond to incidents
Control security configuration for all equipment
Implement contingency planning to ensure continuity of service