Le Cameroun, tout comme d’autres nations, fait de plus en plus face aux effets néfastes des changements climatiques; D’où la recrudescence des phénomènes météorologiques qui impactent les vies humaines.
With this in mind, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications appointed AFREETECH as the firm in charge of modernizing Cameroon's National Meteorology Department. In its pilot phase (phase 1), this vast project comprises two main activities.
Execution of activity n°1
The first activity involved the acquisition, installation and configuration of six automatic synoptic stations and one radiosonde station. In order to carry out this activity to the highest standards, AFREETECH approached the world leaders in the design and supply of meteorological equipment cutting-edge. As a result, the six sites selected for phase 1, namely : Yaoundé - ville, Batouri, Guider, Koundja, Ebolowa and Tiko, were equipped with meteorological equipment meeting ISO 9 001 quality and ISO 14 0001 environmental standards. Skills were then transferred to the staff of the Direction de la Météorologie Nationale (DMN). The aim was to guarantee the operation and maintenance of the equipment by the operators and technicians at each station.
Execution of Activity n°2
The second activity consisted in developing and deploying applications with various functionalities. These applications include a weather information website accessible via https://meteocameroon.gov.cm/ . Through the responsively designed site, you can consult various weather bulletins, request data, follow MND news and subscribe to a "Partner" plan. A mobile application available on Google Play Store (soon on App Store) enables you to receive weather forecasts. What's more, the app alerts you to possible weather disasters, depending on the region selected. A pertinent feature given the waves of flooding observed and the thousands of homes destroyed over the past few months in Cameroon's Far North.
Assistant Project Manager
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22 June 2024
19 June 2024
19 June 2024