About us
AFREETECH is an entreprise de services numérique (ESN) which supports private and public organizations in improving their processes and efficiency in the realisation of operations..
We are based in France and in the CEMAC zone (pôle technologique installé au Cameroun), AFREETECH est non seulement proche de its customers,, mais aussi maitrise parfaitement son environnement et propose des solutions adaptées à chaque contexte. Notre force repose sur la richesse de notre potentiel humain, notre rigorous organization, our agile methodology and the quality of our services.
Nos consultants et partenaires sont tous des experts chevronnés dans leur domaine et possèdent une expérience et une expertise essentielles pour vous soutenir dans votre évolution.
AFREETECH is active in a wide range of sectors, including banking/insurance, industry, construction and public works, telecommunications, transport/logistics and administration, and offers a variety of complementary solutions and services, such as SOA/Urbanization, the Decision Support, the CRM, theERP, theInfrastructure, the Training, the EDM, theAMOA, theAudit, the Advice, the Master Plan and Custom Development ofweb applications.
Our success is based on 3 pillars
Adapted solutions
Personalized follow-up
A qualified and experienced team
Our expertise
Audit and advice projects
Continuously improve your performance
Customer relationship management
Improve your sales processes and the quality of your services.
Electronic document management
Eliminate paper and modernize your archiving system.
Project management
Manage your projects efficiently and control your costs.
Application development
Automate your business processes with tailor-made software.
Boost your teams' skills
Ensure the continuity and security of your services.
Integrated management software package
Plan, organize and optimize your resources.
On the international front, we have...
Some numbers projects
Our latest achievements

Autonomous Port of Kribi
A service designed to provide project management assistance at the Kribi Port Authority as part of the implementation of a new Port Information System functional, scalable, interconnectable and interoperable with the information systems of other port community stakeholders.
Société Anonyme des Brasseries du Cameroun
A service with the aim of auditing the ODOO plateforme and provide recommendations for optimizing the latter for the benefit of Société Anonyme des Brasseries du Cameroun.

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For any need of information, consultation or any other.