The main issues
This project is part of the Cameroon government's drive to revitalize the national meteorological service. The aim was to comply with the guidelines (PMDSC No. 60 OMMDT No. 1376) published by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) on the archiving and digital conversion of paper archives, and on the creation and management of climatological databases.
At present, many of the main sectors require data, including :
- services related to
- climate forecasting and climate change,
- agriculture and promary sector, primary,
- health,
- disaster/emergency management,
- energy,
- natural resource management,
- sustainable development,
- urban planning,
- finances;
- insurance.
The Direction de la Météorologique Nationale (National Meteorological Department) is therefore finding it difficult to meet the many demands placed on it. Climatological studies are also difficult to carry out. The sheer volume of paper-based data makes it difficult to carry out climatological analyses or other research. As the Meteorological Department has no data processing system, there is no data backup mechanism. It is therefore not possible to ensure data continuity.
Solution development
In view of all these difficulties, the Direction de la Météorologie proposed to set up a system that would integrate the safeguarding of climatological archives, their digital conversion and the setting up of a "weather archive". Computerized meteorological data management system. A call for tenders was issued for this large-scale project, and the successful bidder was the firm AFREETECH.
Meteorological data is a vital resource, both for the Meteorological Department and for its users. Indeed, as the volume of this data evolves daily, it becomes necessary to equip oneself with an IT solution for digitization and storage, and to implement efficient methods for better organization. Hence the need to store them in the form of a database and manage them using a DBMS (Database Management System).
Project progress
The project was implemented in three phases. Overall AFREETECH's missions in this project were as follows:
- Dematerialize (digitize) and archive all paper documents,
- Set up and maintain a meteorological database,
- Assurer la mise à niveau de l’infrastructure physique (salle serveur, salle d’archive) et logicielle, nécessaire pour la conservation et la saisie des données,
- Support staff in mastering tools and ensuring maintenance.
The phase of coordination consisted of la mise en place de l’équipe de travail, l’identification des attentes et objectifs, et la planification human resources and project activities.
Stage 1 in 2016 : Reorganization and archiving of paper climatology documents. It consisted in the physical archiving of documents. study of the existing situation and data analysis. The task was tostudy and data analysis. The task was to ensure the classificationdata description, storage and organization. This should be carried out in a controlled environment to avoid any risk of deterioration due to climate, environment or human factors (vandalism, etc.).
The stage 2 in 2017 : Setting up a data management system and a digital document archiving system. climatological data on paper. The various actions carried out at this phase were as follows:
- The creation of a Climatological data management and digital archiving system for climatological documents: functional, assessed and appreciated.
- Identify and train focal points to master these systems.
The experts also set up the server room. It was also the stage ofacquisition of the climatological database system and equipment.
The Stage 3 in 2018 Consolidation and finalization of digital document archiving climatology With the help of and in compliance with digitization requirements, the system wasdigitized. Data renamed, classified, indexed and stored in the digital archiving system for future reference.
Meteorological parameters are now recorded and stored in the meteorological database system, ensuring reliability, safety, durability and long-term operability.
The results obtained from this
were as follows:
- A system for managing
operational and available, - A scanning system
opérationnel et disponible, - a database
controlled, reliable and operational, - A digital archive
of documents within the structure.