Le SMS est une forme de communication client simple, rentable, attrayante et immédiate. Avec 90 % de messages lus dans les trois premières minutes, notre plateforme de messagerie en ligne et notre passerelle SMS offrent une portée et une polyvalence inégalées pour vos campagnes de communication. Pour des campagnes promotionnelles de masse, de marketing direct ou de communication interne, pour récolter des clics et enregistrer des rappels, nos fonctionnalités de messagerie mobile permettent de proposer une expérience client personnalisée.

Real-time SMS messaging

Create and deploy alerts, reminders and notifications by integrating your customer relationship management system or your internal system to our API gateway. With 99.999% availability, automate or schedule messages SMS marketing depending on the customer behaviorand much more besides.

Messagerie SMS en temps réel
Plate-forme d'entreprise évolutive

Scalable messaging platform

We provide you with a reliable messaging platform, secured and stable, which can be scaled to deliver thousands of messages per second. Our status Platinum Operator with mobile networks guarantees premium routes by using direct connections to provide delivery speeds and a deliverability rate unequalled.

Features of the application

Our SMS marketing platform offers a wide range of features such as surveys, reports and advanced account management. It's the richest, most versatile SMS API available.

Intégration et support d'API de classe mondiale

World class API integration and support

Instant access to API code for developers. Works with several programming languages ​​(PHP, .NET, Java, etc.). Our dedicated team can also work on your API specifications with a bespoke solution.

Gestion complète de la campagne

Complete management of the campaign

Plan and send personalized messages to large contact groups or online individuals. Configure short SMS to receive incoming messages from customers or integrate the KEUDAL SMS Gateway from our cloud-based platform.

Structure de compte hiérarchisée

Hierarchical account structure

Master accounts can organize their teams by creating sub-accounts with definable user roles, account permissions, and lockable message templates to control communications across the enterprise.

Efficacité opérationnelle

Operational efficiency

Use messaging to automate customer interactions and improve process efficiency. We offer SFTP tailored for data transfer and bulk shipment and download of contacts.

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