On the web, fraudulent practices are increasing and some Internet scams that rely on the credulity of Internet users are made of an accumulation of various frauds that can affect several different actors.

Plagiat de contenu, sites marchands frauduleux, sites clonés, fraude à la carte de crédit ou encore fausses informations, cet outil de communication fantastique qu’est le web est également le terrain de jeu privilégié pour les arnaques de tout genre.

Because they are more and more numerous on the Internet and because they can touch both individuals and businesses, you must know how to detect them in order to protect yourself.


Fraudulent commercial sites, the most common Internet scam

Increasingly, fraudulent commercial sites are currently causing many victims. To protect yourself from it, and not to be had, you have to be more suspicious than before before transmitting data and trying to find some indicators that do not deceive:

  • A logo or obsolete data.
  • Internal and external links that do not work.
  • Offers too good to be true.
  • Prices much lower than those of the competition.
  • The absence of general conditions of sale and / or legal notices.
  • A site on the contact form and / or with an unsecured payment page with an SSL certificate.
  • The presence of many spelling mistakes.

Si la présence de nombreuses fautes d’orthographe était auparavant le principal indicateur d’un site trompeur, les fraudeurs font aujourd’hui des efforts à ce niveau et vous devez alors aller plus loin dans vos recherches avant de faire confiance à un site marchand.

In order to verify once and for all that a merchant site is not fraudulent, the best way to do so is to look at its corporate name, by consulting its terms of use or legal notice.

It is in this section of the site that you will normally find the Siren of the company that you can check on the site of theInsee, to see if it really corresponds to a registered and active business.

You can also consult the opinions of other Internet users, by typing the name of the concerned Internet site followed by the word notice on your search engine, to note possible frauds.

Case of a scam on the internet by a fraudulent Internet site

Recently, the communication agency AntheDesign has, at its expense, encountered a scam on the internet from the fraudulent commercial site autooreduc.com who offered coupons.

Suspicious as to the veracity of their offers too good to be true, a surfer and web project manager named Sandrine LE BRETON then had the good reflex, since she went to check the legal notice of this website.

It is thanks to this verification that she was able to detect the scam on the internet and that she discovered that the site autooreduc.com had completely copied / pasted the legal notices of the site of the communication agency AntheDesign in which their domain name was mentioned in particular.

Subsequently, Sandrine LE BRETON was able to report the fraud to the AntheDesign agency, as well as to the authorities on the site internet-signalement.gouv.fr, which was right of the scam on the internet since the fraudulent site was removed the next day.

For the communication agency AntheDesign, which saw the content of its site duplicated for the purpose of a scam on the Internet, this had consequences such as the receipt of several calls and emails from people abused by the fraudulent site. A misadventure that in this case ends well, but that could have gone wrong and in particular taint the reputation of the agency.

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