Industries & Services



- Supply, installation and commissioning of an integrated management software package.
- Supply, installation and commissioning of a CRM system.

bâtiment du conseil régional du centre

Center Regional Council.

- Supply of computer equipment and installation of SIM_BA software.
- Supply and installation of a video surveillance system.


Mission to promote local materials.

- supply and installation of a computerized integrated human resources and payroll management system, training and commissioning.
- ERP for financial and accounting management

LOGO PEPS client afreetech

Project for Improving the Efficiency of Public Expenditure and the Statistical System

- Elaboration of specifications and support to the contracting authority for the development of the BIP participatory monitoring application.

PNUD client AFT

Cameroon | United Nations Development Programme.

-Implementation of software for digitizing civil status records, updating of software for digitizing and indexing civil status records, and preparation of a study on the implementation of interoperability between civil status and identity.

Logo Jassimile

French company of services to the person.

- Creation of an intranet and electronic management of documents.

Logo CAB

Central African Backbone

- Design and realization of the website.
- Pilot project of Internet access study in the universities of Yaoundé1, Bamenda and Maroua.

Logo InnovCRM

CRM solution marketed by the French company INNOVSOFT

- Design Achievement SEO Website.


National Laboratory of Civil Engineering, Cameroonian society of normative and control studies.

- Audit SI development of an IT master plan.


Agricultural Research Institute for Development, Cameroonian society of scientific research.

- Configuration and deployment of the MULTIGEST solution for the GED.

BMN client AFT

Office for the Improvement of Cameroonian Enterprises.

- Development and implementation of an information system.



- Supply of equipment and software for studies.

Logo OAPI client aft

African Intellectual Property Organization.

- Setting up a multi-stakeholder platform and web portal to promote GIs (Geographical Indications) in the OAPI zone.

DGD client AFT

General Directorate of Cameroon Customs.

- Document audit and proposal of an archive management policy.


- Document audit and proposal of an archive management policy.

- An aarchival study.
- Application for managing civil registers in the Mfoundi department.


National Program for Participatory Development.

- Proposal for a normative framework for dematerialization .

Logo Port Autonome de Kribi

Autonomous Port of Kribi, Cameroon port complex.

- Assistance to the project owner for the development and implementation of a port information system.

Logo Brasseries du Cameroun

Anonimous society of Cameroon breweries, subsidiary of the French group Castel.

- Performance audit of the SABC ODOO platform.


French company specialized in the manufacture of mayonnaise, mustard and sauces.

- Application of logistic traceability downstream of production.


Central African Forest Commission, an international organization for the conservation and management of forest ecosystems.

- Design and development of an intranet and extranet portal.


Society of Press and Editions of Cameroon

- Realization of the IT master plan.

Banques & Assurances


Subsidiary of the Malakoff Médéric group, a French insurance company on life.

- On-call management application.


Popular Savings and Investment Bank, a Cameroonian microfinance company.

- Project management assistance for the Delta Bank migration.

Logo MGC

General Mutual of Railwaymen, French Mutual Health and Provident.

- Integration and pooling of services.

Logo MIF

Mutual Ivry - the Fraternal, French life insurance company, pension, supplementary pension, relief, pension.

- SOA architecture web portal CRM members.

Logo CCA

African Community Credit, Cameroon bank.

- Management of the computer park.


Range of real estate and consumer loans distributed by the French company SOFIAP.

- Integration and pooling of services.

Éducation & Recherche

Afreetech dans l'automatisation du SI de l'IIA logo IIA

Institut International des Assurances

- Mise en place d'un Progiciel de Gestion Intégré

Logo Global Partnership for Education

International organization to educate all children in the poorest countries.

- Design realization hosting SEO website.


Research In Applied Microeconomics, Cameroon Research Center.

- Website design realization.


Université Catholique d'Afrique Centrale

- Progiciel de gestion intégré pour la gestion de la scolarité .


National School of Administration and Judiciary of Cameroon.

- Administrative management software and biometric security.

logo client AFT

Julius N'yéréré of Kankan University
Environnement Numérique de Travail (ENT)

- Design and production of a Web portal and Web application.

Public Administrations


Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of Cameroon.

Monitoring and control of the implementation of a technical platform and the commissioning of the research center for the development of the digital economy in Cameroon.
- Acquisition, installation and interconnection of automatic meteorological data collection and transmission equipment.
- Design and development of the local content development web platform.
- Realization of the master plan.

Logo Ministère des Forets et de la Faune

Ministry of Forests and Wildlife of Cameroon.

- Design of an application for the management of the internal market of Cameroonian wood.

Logo Aéroports Du Cameroun S.A

Cameroon Airport, management company of the seven concession airports.

- Development of a computer charter.

Logo Ministère des Transports

Ministry of Transport of Cameroon.

- Implementation of a central database of road safety data management.
- Digitization of archives and establishment of a modern database.


Ministry of Economy, Planning and Spatial Planning of Cameroon.

- Deployment of the MULTIGEST solution and development of the web portal.

Logo Ministère de la Communication

Ministry of Communication of Cameroon.

- Design and development of the virtual press agency.

Logo Minrex

Ministry of External Relations of Cameroon.

- Development of the Master Plan.

Logo Ministère de l'Enseignement Secondaire

Ministry of Secondary Education.

- Dematerialization of documents.

Logo Ministère du Commerce

Ministry of Commerce of Cameroon.

- Conception realization SEO web portal.

Logo Ministère des Finances

Ministry of Finance of Cameroon.

- Deployment of the TALEND-ETL platform for the integration of administrative data.

fond routier

Road funds

- Physical and digital archiving .


Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reform of the Republic of Cameroon

- Scroll authentication
- Dematerialization of administrative procedures.
- Migration of the local network and securing the server room.
- Managing the best public services awards

Logo Cameroon Civil Aviation Authority

Cameroon Aeronautical Authority, a company responsible for the regulation and economic supervision of aeronautical activities.

- Implementation of a virtual infrastructure (VMware).

Logo Communauté Urbaine de Yaoundé

Yaoundé Urban Community, Cameroon.

- Application of management of follow-up and instructions of the requests of the acts of urbanism.

Logo HGY

General Hospital of Yaoundé Cameroon.

- Application of management of the patient file and administrative management.


Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises, Social Economy and Crafts of Cameroon.

- Study on document management and digital archiving.

Logo Ministère de la Santé

Ministry of Health of Cameroon.

- Conception realization SEO web portal.

Logo ACP

Africa Caribbean Pacific.

- Development of the application for the information system for forest taxation.

Armoiries du Cameroun

Ministry of Mines, Industry and Technological Development of Cameroon.

- Design realization SEO web portal.

Logo Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur

Ministry of Higher Education of Cameroon.

- Electronic management of administrative correspondence.

Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche Scientifique, et de l'Innovation

Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique et de l'Innovation

- Development of the master plan.


Logo ART

Telecommunications Regulatory Agency.

- Automated statistical data management system.
- Digital archiving.


Cameroon Telecommunication

- Assistance for project management DATACENTER project.


Guinean telecommunication company.

- SEO website development.

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