Company name : AFREETECH

Legal status and social capital : SARL with a capital of 15.000 €

Address : 93, Street Paul Bellamy – 44000 Nantes

Phone : 02-40-48-08-78

Website :

Siret : 499 777 423 00033


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Company : OVH

Website :

Postal address: 2 rue kellermann - BP 80157

59053 ROUBAIX Cedex 1

Phone : +33 (0)8 203 203 63

Email address (E-Mail):

formulaire de communication à suivre sur le site de “OVH”


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The site allows the establishment of hypertext links pointing to its content but in any case, the pages of the site should not be integrated into the pages of another site.

No website that disseminates information that is polemical, obscene, homophobic, xenophobic, or offensive to others, should point to our site.


Intellectual property

This site constitutes a work of which AFREETECH is the author according to the provisions of the Code of the Intellectual Property.
Any reproduction or total or partial representation of this site by any means whatsoever, without the authorization of AFREETECH, is prohibited and constitutes an infringement sanctioned by the articles of the Code of Intellectual Property.


Use of the WEB site

The information on this website may be modified at any time without notice by updating these pages.
This information may contain technical accuracies or typographical errors.



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AFREETECH declines any responsibility concerning the errors or omissions concerning the information diffused on this site. AFREETECH can not be held responsible for the interpretation of the information contained in this site, or the consequences of their use.



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By using this website, you agree to be bound by any revisions to these provisions.
